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Cafe Plus- Multi-purpose Cafe Interior Design


Third wave coffee shops dominate the mainstream, as the fourth wave, heavily reliant on e-commerce, is still being defined. The reason that physical stores do not become retail deja vu attributes largely to consumers' notion that coffee shops are not only a place to savor a hot beverage, but a space to socialize and bond.

Cafe Plus is a chic book-of-the-moment that collects coffee shop interiors by excellent designers from around the world. The projects featured in this book serve more than coffee; they are multi-functional venues that interpret the global concept of a 'cafe' to suit their needs. Interspersed with illustrations and detailed descriptions of design concepts, the featured projects are all from the past three years, showcasing the latest trends in interior cafe design. This beautifully packaged book will appeal to coffee shop owners, architects, interior designers, and photographers.

Includes illustrated descriptions of 35 eclectic coffee shops from all over the world, mostly completed after 2015, many have received accolades for their design.  A rich source of inspiration for architects, professional designers and photographers, this book will also be of interest to coffee shop owners, who are deciding what design features would best fit their dream cafe.

Manuel N. Zornoza - Emerging Young Architect: Rising from the West, Shining in the East is Founder and Principal Architect of LATITUDE Studio, originally from Spain, Manuel N. Zornoza established LATITUDE in 2010 after receiving a Master's Degree in Urban Design from the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London. In 2006, the entrepreneur graduated from the Escuela Politecnica Superior, "Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio" Madrid, in Architecture. Apart from architectural practice, Manuel regularly lectures and teaches at various universities and international institutions.

280 colour, 80 b/w images

ISBN: 9781864707830
Format: Hardcover
Publication date: 01/07/2018
Pages: 256
Dimension: 290mm X 230mm